Breathe Pilates Blog

Sambal Sardines Recipes by Charlotte Mei
Growing up, mum was kept busy with work and running the household, so I never saw her spending much time in the kitchen cooking. That said, when the occasion presented itself, she would go all in.
Some of her iconic dishes were Popiah, Laksa, Ayam Buah Keluak and it was quite the affair when she got down to it! These dishes were a labour of love and I remember that she would spend a full day shopping for ingredients, prepping and cooking; and we would only be able to eat the final result the following day.

A Socially Distanced Valentine’s Day at Home
Just in case January zoomed right by for you (as it did for me), here’s a reminder that Valentine’s Day is just around the corner!
Whether or not you celebrate it, it’s always a good time to express your love and gratitude to the special people in your life! As a nation of food lovers, why not use this opportunity to cook up something delicious for your loved one (or ones)!
Here’s a super easy recipe that you can whip up in a jiffy at home. All you need is a large pot and an oven (a small toaster oven would work fine for this too!). Not only is this dish easy to put together, it is also delicious and is packed full of protein and omega-3 fats.

Debunking Detoxing with Charlotte Mei
It’s that time of the year for the ‘New Year New Me’ plans! Our diets go through a major overhaul, we sign up for new gym passes, we sign up for a ‘detox’ plan and “I’m on my way to get fit and healthy!” It is great that the new year gets many people motivated to change some habits and improve their wellbeing. However, the long and short of it is that a ‘detox’ isn’t going to get us to good health, as there are no shortcuts when it comes to the human body.

Circuit Breaker Recipes
Looking for some inspiration in the kitchen? This week, our Foodie Instructors give their most well-loved recipes for us to try at home during this circuit-breaker period.

Gamechangers Panel Discussion
A HUGE thank you to those that joined our Game Changers Panel Discussion, we had a great time hosting you all!
We also like to give special thanks to our amazing speakers Luke Tan, Sandra Lim, Olivia Cotes-James, Dr Deborah Wong and Arthur de Corbier for sharing their diet stories and insights on whether plant-based only or a mixed-diet is better for health and fitness.
Our Panelists Share Their Top Tips On How To Change Your Diet

All I Want for Christmas eat and be merry
It’s the time for parties and merry-making, but with parties there usually comes food, and heavy party food at that. Thank Santa we have Senior Instructor and Chef Sandra Lim to the rescue! With 3 healthy and vegan options for starter, main course or dessert, we can have our cake and eat it too!

The Low Down On Dairy
Plant-based, Vegan, Vegetarian – are these diets just fads or do they have any research and science behind them? More than just about eating (or rather, NOT eating) meat, it also extends to cheese, eggs and so on. Today, we shine the spotlight on dairy milk, and why you should consider non-dairy substitutes.

Sandra’s Recipes: 3 Guilt-free Desserts Your Children Would Love!
Some would say that dessert is the best meal of the day, but when it is healthy, guilt-free AND delicious? We could eat it all day long! Here’s 3 guilt-free desserts your whole family would love!

3 Breakfasts You Can Prep In 10 Minutes
Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and dinner like a pauper. How many of us here are guilty of skipping breakfast just to squeeze in those extra precious minutes of sleep? Well, luckily for us, instructor Sandra Lim, owner and plant-based chef of Live Fruitfully has come up with 3 delicious breakfasts we can whip up!

7 Worst Breakfast Meals
Everybody knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But did you know that some morning choices can set your mood for the rest of the day. Eating a healthy breakfast every morning can reduce the risk for diseases such as cancer and diabetes.
We have a list of the 7 worse ideas for breakfast meals. We’ll be following up in the next post with 7 of the best breakfast meals!