Breathe Pilates Blog

New Year, Stronger Me
Skinny is out, strong is in! At Breathe, we believe that strength is an important component of our day-to-day lives and allows us to move without pain and live a long and enjoyable life. Imagine not being able to have the ability to play your favourite sport, carry your child, or even perform in your job because you didn’t have the ‘strength’ to do it. The strength you have in your body is vital for all these types of activities.

Benefits of Pilates
Want a strong, toned, and functional core? Pilates is a great way to start. This low-impact workout combines flexibility, strength, and endurance in exercises that can be done either on a mat or using a reformer in class. No matter what kind of Pilates you’re doing, core strength is the main focus; you’ll flow in and out of poses with a yoga-like emphasis on breath.
In this article, we explore 5 benefits and reasons why you might want to include Pilates in your exercise regime

Sambal Sardines Recipes by Charlotte Mei
Growing up, mum was kept busy with work and running the household, so I never saw her spending much time in the kitchen cooking. That said, when the occasion presented itself, she would go all in.
Some of her iconic dishes were Popiah, Laksa, Ayam Buah Keluak and it was quite the affair when she got down to it! These dishes were a labour of love and I remember that she would spend a full day shopping for ingredients, prepping and cooking; and we would only be able to eat the final result the following day.

Tips on how to live a more sustainable life
I’m sure you’ve read or heard about ‘sustainability’ spoken in news articles, advertisements and even conversations with family and friends these days, but what does it really mean?

How to work out during Ramadan
This year Ramadan falls April 12 – May 12 and sees Muslims across the world fasting from sunrise to sunset while reflecting, spending time with family and celebrating the holy month.
During the fasting period, this means no food for 12-14 hours and no drinks (including water). It’s important to look after yourself and stay healthy during Ramadan, and for those who are particularly into fitness, our team has put together an excellent guide on how to workout during the holy month.

A Socially Distanced Valentine’s Day at Home
Just in case January zoomed right by for you (as it did for me), here’s a reminder that Valentine’s Day is just around the corner!
Whether or not you celebrate it, it’s always a good time to express your love and gratitude to the special people in your life! As a nation of food lovers, why not use this opportunity to cook up something delicious for your loved one (or ones)!
Here’s a super easy recipe that you can whip up in a jiffy at home. All you need is a large pot and an oven (a small toaster oven would work fine for this too!). Not only is this dish easy to put together, it is also delicious and is packed full of protein and omega-3 fats.

Debunking Detoxing with Charlotte Mei
It’s that time of the year for the ‘New Year New Me’ plans! Our diets go through a major overhaul, we sign up for new gym passes, we sign up for a ‘detox’ plan and “I’m on my way to get fit and healthy!” It is great that the new year gets many people motivated to change some habits and improve their wellbeing. However, the long and short of it is that a ‘detox’ isn’t going to get us to good health, as there are no shortcuts when it comes to the human body.

Client Stories: Elaine
This month, we chat with Pilates and Mobility fan Elaine on her COVID-19 journey. We find out what her routine was like pre-pandemic, her experience through circuit breaker and what she’s learned so far in 2020.

Q&A with Studio Manager, Zurina
This month, we are excited to sit down with our lovely Studio Manager, Zurina Bryant. As the life and soul of the studio and the Queen of getting stuff done, we get to know more about her, what her role is like and get the gossip on the goings-on in the studio

The Art Of Cleaning
As we navigate the new landscape that is COVID 19, we thought we would share a little on the measures we have taken to keep clients healthy and safe.

Our COVID-19 Journey So Far
When we first heard about the novel coronavirus in December 2019, we didn’t realise the impact it would have on our lives. Fast forward 6 months, the world as we know it has been turned upside down and we have had to do a complete rehaul of our service business as the world went online.

Gardening 101 with Deborah Wong
One of the top trends globally during this Coronavirus period has been gardening. This week, we sat down with Deborah, who started gardening a year ago, to find out more about it.

Circuit Breaker: Inspiration from our Instructors
We’re almost halfway through our “circuit breaker” lock-down, and not only are we spending more time at home but our homes have been transformed from a place of relaxation to a multi-purpose space that doubles as our office, school, gym, restaurant, and bar!

Home-Schooling Tips with SK
As Singapore shuts schools temporarily to stem the spread of coronavirus, families are now essentially home-schooling their children. This week, super mom SK shares her top tips on how to manage this new way of educating your children at home.

Are we exercising too much?
A lot of people are concern about not working out enough, but is there such a thing as overtraining? How much is too much and how much is too litle. As a society we’re all about effeciency, productive and results. What then is this magical number that we are looking for?