Our Classes

You are unique and so are your needs. With a wide variety of classes, we offer the most up to date methods in fitness and rehabilitation for everyone.

We offer some of the smallest group classes in the industry, ensuring each participant receives personalised attention. With over 100 classes available weekly, our wide variety of sessions will allow you to work on exercises designed for your body’s needs.

Technique Classes

Strength &
Conditioning Classes

Restorative Classes

Post Natal Programme At Home

This video series covers the first 7 weeks of a new mum’s postpartum exercise regime. You can begin whenever you are ready.

Each week starts with an introductory video by Core Concept's Principal Physiotherapist, Sylvia Ho, that explains the changes the body has experienced and will continue to experience over the postpartum period.

Thereafter we have a 30-minute exercise video, led by Breathe Pilates' Senior Instructor, SK, that focuses on the theme of the week to help kickstart the postpartum mum exercise regime. 

We recommend resting at least 2 weeks postpartum before returning to exercise.