GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® are registered
trademarks of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and are used with their permission.

GYROTONIC® training is a sequence of circular and fluid exercises that work the entire body system via skeletal, muscular, and cardiovascular stimulation using special and distinctive weight and pulley-based equipment.

The GYROTONIC® training method is a unique and great exercise system that can help maximise the range of motion in your joints, and as a result prevent arthrosis and mobility issues. We are also the first studio to offer Prenatal GYROTONIC® classes in Singapore.


  • Both methods are based upon the same movement principles.

    The GYROTONIC® Method utilizes specialised equipment to guide, assist, and challenge the exerciser. GYROTONIC® classes are conducted as private sessions or in a small group class.

    The GYROKINESIS® Method is practiced on a mat and chair, without equipment. Without the feedback and guidance of the equipment, participants in a GYROKINESIS® class are more dependent on their own proprioception to explore movement sequences. GYROKINESIS® classes are usually taught as a 1-1.5 hour group class.

  • The GYROTONIC® Method is a great exercise choice for anyone who wants to safely & effectively recondition their body. For the absolute beginner, two or three private sessions with a GYROTONIC® Trainer is the best way to get started. A skilled trainer will be able to assess your range motion and ability and will choose exercises and modifications specific to your needs and abilities.

  • GYROTONIC® sessions are a great complement to a traditional physical therapy program and can make a significant contribution to the recovery process. Physical therapists use GYROTONIC® exercises in their clinics to help their patients recover from injury and work with disabilities. Due to the focus on joint stability, muscle balance, and functional strength, GYROTONIC® sessions are an ideal post-rehabilitation exercise option.