Q&A with Studio Manager, Zurina

This month, we are excited to sit down with our lovely Studio Manager, Zurina Bryant. As the life and soul of the studio and the Queen of getting stuff done, we get to know more about her, what her role is like and get the gossip on the goings-on in the studio

Tell us a little bit about yourself. 
Where are you from and how long have you lived in Singapore?

I consider myself as Australian – I was born in Hobart, Tasmania (and have an Australian passport) – did most of my schooling there but my parents are from Malaysia.  I’ve lived in Singapore for 17 (very organised) years!

What is it like running the studio? Can you tell us what your day to day is like?

There’s a lot to do! I like to think that I have both internal and external clients. The internal – are our team at Breathe, the external – all our paying clients. It’s busy every day, with a multitude of different tasks. From checking on emails, handling calls with new clients, to ensuring we have all the right inventory to handling regular reports and managing the team.

Circuit Breaker has been hard for fitness studios. How was it having to pivot your in-studio role to offering clients online classes and experiences for those 3 months?

I have to say it was a difficult time for everyone. There were a lot of people unsure about what was going on in life I guess. From the studio perspective – we needed to learn (almost overnight) how to run classes online, using new programs to host our classes, and creating new internal systems. Clients too were unsure – of whether or not online classes would suit so we had to be there to support them through this process as well.

What do you love most about your role as Studio Manager?

I love dealing with people! That’s always been my thing! I’ve been told I’m a great project manager so that combined with people makes this a perfect role for me.

Now that we are in Phase 2 and the studio is open, has your role changed compared to pre-Circuit Breaker? 

The role now incorporates looking after both online and in studio sessions. We also have to ensure that all social distancing and health requirements have been undertaken to comply with all government initiatives.

Now For The Gossip

Who’s the funniest Instructor?

Sash! He’s loud and loves to sing!

Who brings in the best snacks?

Our clients!!! (especially by our favourite lady in pink!)

Who has the best stories?

Deborah – she’s a fountain of knowledge and is always happy to share!

Who’s your favourite Instructor ;)?

I plead the fifth! 😉

Weirdest/unreasonable client requests?

Our clients are very reasonable and to date we haven’t received any unreasonable requests! 

We know you’re also training to become a Pilates Instructor – what do you love most about Pilates?

I love how it makes you feel after each and every session. You feel taller and definitely move better! 

What does health and wellness mean to you?

It means a holistic view – from eating (pretty well), getting good sleep and enjoying life. 

What do you get up to in your spare time?

I enjoy spending time with my family and love a good Netflix session!

Favourite Singapore eats (and drinks!)

My husband and I are definitely foodies so we love to try out different restaurants all around town – we own a bar too so are a little biased on that front! If I have to choose – I am a fan of Manhattan

Favourite life motto? 

Be happy! It drives people crazy! (Crazy good that is!!!)


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Lower Back & Hip Pain