Breathe Pilates Blog

Arm Balances & Wrist Pain
Do you find yourself not pushing as hard during planks, pikes and other arm balances due to wrist pain? Do you find that you are unable to progress to more challenging poses because you sense that your wrists are weak?
If you’re experiencing wrist pain during your Pilates classes, don’t despair – there are ways to alleviate the pain and make arm balances feel more comfortable.

How To Save Your Pelvis During Pregnancy
Understanding your pregnant body helps to explain why you are feeling this pain and gives you reassurance that in most cases it will go away straight after you have your baby (if not before).
During pregnancy the biomechanics of your body changes dramatically. An increase in weight, a reduction in core muscle strength, abdominal stretching and a shift in center of gravity lead to postural changes and musculoskeletal imbalances. As a result, the joints and muscles of your lower back & pelvis can be strained and overcompensate, causing pain.

Resolve Neck Issues
Neck aches are extremely common and can cause by various reasons – ranging from poor posture while using mobile devices to a more severe underlying cause. It can affect your quality of life drastically and restraint you from doing the things you love.Chronic pain can take a toll on you physically and psychologically, making it difficult for you to carry out daily activities and causing unnecessary stress and anxiety.

Goodbye Back Pain How to Save Your Lower Back
Does your back frequently feel painful or weak? Do you feel nervous about moving or doing certain activities in case your back ‘goes’? Have you altered your activity levels because of back pain? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then it’s time to consider Pilates to help you regain control.

Pilates can be a pain in the neck!
We see many clients who are dealing with neck pain. Whether it’s from poor posture from the infamous tech neck, neck pain from an accident, injury or just how we use and move our body for work and daily life – chronic neck pain is literally a pain in the neck!
Pilates exercises done correctly are excellent for strengthening core muscles for support, which over time helps to reduce neck tension. However, Pilates exercises can also aggravate a neck problem if not performed correctly, by not understanding, or having the strength and flexibility needed to support the body well and keep the stress out of the neck.

Why Mobility Matters
At Breathe Pilates, we believe that everyone is entitled to freedom of movement and we aim to empower every individual to create a life of vitality and mobility. The ability to move freely and with ease, and to function with diminished risk of injury and pain, is essential to one’s quality of life.
From what began as a hobby for our Education Director, Thicha developed Singapore’s first Mobility class with the aim to improve the flexibility and range of motion on specific joints to ensure clients (like her!) can move better, feel better and live better.

Lower Back & Hip Pain
Lower back and hip pain is extremely common. For some of us, this could be a simple ache that improves quickly. However, for others, it can be a much longer-term problem. These range from simple stiffness due to poor posture to more serious conditions like herniated discs and sciatica.
In this series, we begin to explain the most common causes of lower back and hip pain and over the next few weeks, we will publish exercises and self-massage technique videos to help relieve that tension so you can stand tall and pain-free!

Neck & Upper Back Pain
The most common complaint we’ve been hearing this circuit breaker, has been that of neck and shoulder pain. Prolonged neck and upper back strain can result in wear and tear of the underlying structures resulting in degenerative disc disease and compression of the spinal cord. In this series, we explain the most common causes of neck and shoulder pain, and over the next few weeks, will publish some videos and articles of exercises and self massage techniques to help nip the problem in the bud.

Instructor Spotlight: Rohini
This week, we sit down with Rohini to discuss the wonders of Clinical Pilates, the types of clients she sees, and her favourite client success story.
Pilates & The Core
When people think of Pilates, they know it as a core workout. But what does that exactly mean? It is an hour of a hundred different variation of crunches? (most definitely not, the horror)
To understand what we do in Pilates class, we first have to understand what the core means. It really is a complex series of muscles, extending far beyond your abs, including everything besides your arms and legs – these include the gluteals (butt muscle), erector spinae, multifudus (back muscles), pectorialis (chest muscles), diaphragm (yes, the thing that helps you breath, and this is why we emphasis so much on breathing!) and pelvic floor just to name a few.
All about Fascia!
So we have all this hype about ZEN.GA and fascia and myofascial release. We roll you on foam rollers and you get this amazing relieve that no amount of stretching seems to do. What exactly is fascia and why is it so important for you to understand it?