Prenatal Nutritional Talk

Do pineapples really cause miscarriages? Can you eat them when you’re pregnant? The benefits of exercising during pregnancy has been very clear, but nutrition? It’s a whole minefield out there with old wives tales, myths and fallacies propagated by the profit-driven supplement and food industry.

We have had so many of our ladies ask us about how to eat better and so on the 7th of May, we will be having a nutrition talk by our very own instructor, trainee faculty member for the Center for Women’s Fitness and certified Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach Susanne Frey about what to eat during pregnancy.

Date: Saturday 7th May 2016

Time: 3pm (approximately 1.5 hours long but if you have more questions please feel free to stay behind to discuss them with Susanne!)

Location: Breathe Novena

To ensure attendance, we will need a token payment of $10 to confirm your spot. You may register by dropping us an email, calling or informing reception.


Meet Our Instructors: Sasha


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