Meet Our Instructors: Angeline Wilkes

This January, we kick start 2017 with a our very own Angeline Wilkes! Mother, Traveller and Photographer, come join us as we sit down with our very multi-talented instructor as she dishes out healthy recipes and guilty pleasures!

Hi Angeline! Let’s begin with how you started on your Pilates journey and how you ended up with Pilates as your career?

I started pilates 11 years ago. However due to family commitments I stopped for a couple of years in between. That was when I developed chronic neck pain. Pilates helped with managing the discomfort and was also the turning point to a switch in career.

Any memorable clients that you still recall to this day?

I have a few! Every client is unique and poses different emotions and challenges.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Competitive, humble, free-spirited

What’s your favourite healthy dish recipe?

Kale, feta cheese and pine nut salad with olive oil dressing

You have a 7 year old and a 10 year old, and in great shape! How do you find time to juggle staying in shape while being a full time mother?

My 2 boys are active and keep me on the go, even our holidays need to be action packed. I also try to do pilates 3 times a week in between classes.

‘Fess up! What’s your top guilty pleasure?

Sleeping in. I often feel bad but the freshness of body and mind compensates for it all.

What is one little known fact about you?

Although I am Singaporean through and through, I actually grew up in Sri Lanka. In fact I have spent almost half my life living outside of Singapore.

What are the top 5 things on your bucket list?

I would love to see the Northern lights, visit Bhutan, attempt Mt Kilimanjaro, scuba dive in the Red Sea and improve my photography skills. So much to see in the world and it would do injustice not to capture the beauty with photos.

What’s an inspirational quote you live by?

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. – Mark Twain.

Come catch Angeline in our Novena studios! She teaches private sessions as well as Preggi Bellies and Reformer and Tower II classes during the week.


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