Meet Our Instructor: Deborah

Bubbly, chirpy and a human dynamo. This August, we caught up with the multi-talented Owner, Entrepreneur, Doctor and Instructor of Breathe Pilates Deborah to learn if she’s a cat or dog person, and her favourite recipes (psst, she doesn’t cook!)

Hi Deborah! You’ve been practicing Pilates for a while now, what do you enjoy about Pilates?
I love how intelligent and versatile it is. Even when doing the same exercise, it can feel completely different each time depending on how your body feels that day. The same exercise with a slightly different focus can change the focus to different body parts as well. The mindfulness component of Pilates also helps you reconnect with yourself at the end of the day.

How has pilates benefitted you and why would you recommend people to take pilates?
Pilates is not just an exercise method. It is a technique that you can use to apply to everything you do – from sitting, to standing, walking, dancing, crossfitting or doing any sport. If you want to have a good quality of life as you age, being able to keep up your activities of daily living and being independent, Pilates is definitely something you HAVE to do.

What other workouts do you do?
Crossfit and running. The more active I am, the more often I do Pilates to ensure that I have good form and a strong core.

What is your vision for Breathe Pilates?
You’ll be surprise at how many people still think yoga and Pilates are the same and that I run a yoga studio! My vision for Breathe is to share the benefits of Pilates to as many people as possible – I truly believe it is essential for having a healthy, long, good quality life!

Favourite Pilates Exercise and why?
Short spine: Love how it elongates the spine and gluteal muscles. Super yummy stretch after a day of prolong sitting

If you weren’t a doctor/pilates instructor, what would you be doing?
A journalist? I love writing and talking and anything that has to do with language. Maybe law. I can’t decide! But life would be awful if I weren’t a doctor/pilates instructor

Tell us one unknown fact about yourself
I love Big Bang and Korean variety shows 😡

Favourite holiday destination?
Hong Kong! It’s near enough for a short getaway, great food, great friends, great shopping and partying – and buzzing with energy.
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Favourite way to unwind after a long day?
Good dinner and TV!

Cats or Dogs?

Favourite restaurant in Singapore?
Super loco. It’s hard to find a place in Singapore that has BOTH awesome vegan and non-vegan offerings, Super loco is one of the rare few places that do.

Do you have any strict diets that you adhere to?
Whole food plant base – What that means is that I avoid process foods and animal products as much as possible. I wouldn’t call myself a vegan, because I still do consume meat occassionally. Say for example if I had to choose between french fries vs grass fed organic beef, then definitely the beef!
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Favourite Healthy Recipe
I don’t cook! But I love anything quick. Like overnight oats. I soak my steel cut oats in oat milk, and mix in whatever I feel like that day. Cinamon, acai powder, banana, papaya, chia seeds, flaxseeds.

Inspirational Quote that you live by
It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop – Confucius


Breathe Pilates is now at Aramsa – The Garden Spa!


The National University Cancer Institute, Singapore (NCIS)